Nejad Oriental Rugs Charitable Contributions . . .

Weaving a Foundation of Hope

One of our core decisions when we started our business over thirty nine years ago was to use our resources, however big or small, to support local, national and international non-profit organizations that strive to make a positive difference in people's lives. None of this would have been possible without our family, our dedicated staff and our amazing customers who have supported and encouraged us throughout these many years - and for this we are forever grateful. Since then, our significant donations have built schools in earthquake ravished areas, supported the education and healthcare of women and children in rural India and Afghanistan through CARE the humanitarian organization fighting global poverty.

Ali & Theresa Nejad donate $50,000 to ORIA Ali & Theresa Nejad donate $50,000 to ORIA

Ali & Theresa Nejad donate $50,000 to ORIA

Theresa and Ali Nejad of Nejad Oriental Rugs have given a $50,000 gift to the Oriental Rug Importers Association Charitable Fund. This is the largest single gift ever given to the ORIA Charitable Fund, which is committed to improving the lives of children in rug weaving countries. Money given to the ORIA Charitable Fund, are passed through in their entiretly to to selected organizations. Initiated during the tenure of ORIA past president Mikel Banilevi, the organization's tax-exempt status allows it to solicit fully tax-deductible contributions from retailers and wholesalers for the purpose of improving the health, welfare, and economic status of needy children and their families in major capet weaving districts around the world. This $50,000 gift has been earmarked for CARE & FAIR.

Ali Nejad donation to earthquake relief
Wild Souls Animal Rescue
Wild Souls is a nonprofit that rescues and rehabilitates injured and
orphaned native wildlife mammals in the Central Missouri area.

Ali and Theresa Nejad are also active supporters of the local community including:
red cross, gilda's club, fox chase, boy scouts, aark, a womans place, dementia society, last chance ranch, philadelphia zoo, lions club, goodwill, little brothers, doylestown food, autism cares, jag fund, heritage conservancy
ken crest

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Visit the Nejad Showroom located at 1 North Main St at the corner of
North Main & East State Streets in historic Doylestown, Pennsylvania.
Nejad Rugs  ·  1 North Main Street  ·  Doylestown, PA 18901  ·  215-348-1255