Featured Rug Designs of Theresa Nejad

Below is a sampling of rugs designed by artist and textile designer Theresa Nejad

Theresa and Ali Nejad
Designer Theresa Nejad and company preident and husband Ali Nejad

Kashan Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Kashan Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad and used by luxury
Italian furniture maker Francesco Molon for their catalog

 Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Theresa Nejad Design M022GOBK Tabriz Medallion Rug from the Signature Masterpiece Collection
Detail about this rug

 Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Theresa Nejad Design M022GOBK Signature Tabriz Medallion Rug
Detail about this rug

 Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Theresa Nejad Design M022BKGO Signature Tabriz Medallion Rug
Detail about this rug

 Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Theresa Nejad Design M022BRBK Signature Tabriz Medallion Rug
Detail about this rug

Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Theresa Nejad Design M022BRGO Signature Tabriz Medallion Rug
Detail about this rug

 Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Theresa Nejad Design M022GOLG Signature Tabriz Medallion Rug
Detail about this rug

Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Theresa Nejad Design M023BKGO Signature Tabriz Rug
Detail about this rug

 Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Theresa Nejad Design M023GOBK Signature Tabriz Rug
Detail about this rug

 Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Theresa Nejad Design M023BKBR Signature Tabriz Rug
Detail about this rug

 Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Theresa Nejad Design M041GOGO Golden Kerman Lavar Rug
Detail about this rug

 Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Nejad M042GOGO Golden Sivas Rug design by Theresa Nejad
Detail about this rug

 Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Nejad M042GOGO Golden Sivas Rug design by Theresa Nejad
Detail about this rug

 Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Nejad M067RTBK Signature Mahal Rug design by Theresa Nejad
Detail about this rug

Tabriz Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Nejad M001GOGO Fine Savonnerie Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Detail about this rug

Oriental Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Nejad M004GOGO Signature Golden Serapi Rug designed by Theresa Nejad
Detail about this rug

Part 2: The Rug Designs of Theresa Nejad Continued


Nejad Rugs · 1 North Main Street · Doylestown, PA 18901 · 215-348-1255 · info@nejad.com